How facial muscles relate to the dentures?

First of all, let's learn a little bit about facial muscles-
1. Occipitofrontalis muscle.
2. Temporoparietalis muscle.
3. Procerus muscle.
4. Nasalis muscle.
5. Depressor septi nasi muscle.
6. Orbicularis oculi muscle.
7. Corrugator Supercilii muscle.
8. Depressor Supercilii muscle.
9. Auricular muscles ( anterior, posterior, and superior )
10. Orbicularis oris muscle.
11. Depressor anguli oris muscle.
12. Risorius.
13. Zygomaticus major muscle.
14. Zygomaticus minor muscle.
15. Levator Labii superioris.
16. Levator Labii superiors alaeque nasi muscle.
17. Depressor labii inferioris muscle.
18. Levator anguli oris.
19. Buccinator muscle.
20. Mentalis.

A better understanding of facial expressions helps to construct successful complete dentures. A Dentist observes all these facial expressions of the patient who comes to them this could help in the perfect construction of the denture.
Observing a patient's prosthodontic significance enables the dentist for treatment planning.

Prosthodontic postoperative treatment in the mouth region performed in such ways-
1. Should consider the role of facial muscle in facial expression.
2. Examine these facial muscles in terms of various emotions.
3. Consider the prosthodontic significance.
 Dentist maintenance a balance sheet for treatment includes-
loss of teeth, the elasticity of the skin, tonicity of muscle, and functional changes according to age changes.
Prosthodontic treatment begins with the examination of the total loss of teeth or rides. Depends on dentistry for the functional anatomy of denture construction.


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